Friday was our XC schooling day. It was an absolutely beautiful day with lots of sun and clear skies. We got off to a great start leaving the barn on time and getting to the horse park without incident.
Of course, the "hunter" girls immediately headed for one of the rings to warm up (chickens). Molly and her friend followed since they are only 9 - the "hunter girls" are the barn owner and manger who are in their mid 20's, so they're really the "boss". After about 15 minutes they decided to head up to one of the dressage rings so K could practice her tests - Molly got kind of bored with all of this - as was I, but since I did encourage everyone else to come with us, it was only fair that I be a team player.

FINALLY, they were ready to head out onto the XC course - they were so excited to see all of the jumps and at the fact that there was a nice amount of little jumps for everyone to play with. We spent a lot of time just going back and forth over little logs, hay bales, railroad ties etc. Molly was a little nervous at first, but Treenie NEVER looked at anything - she just went and jumped like a good pony should. She did stop at one jump that everyone had trouble with. It was a cross rail in a post and rail fence - see pix below. I don't know what the issue is with this jump, but whenever I event here, my horse backs off to take a look at it too - EVERY TIME! It is a little 2 ft cross rail but there is something scary about it I guess. However, Molly stuck to her plan and did get over it. AND, when one of the hunter girls was having a really tough time at it, Molly asked "do you want me to lead you?" We all got a huge chuckle because the response was, "Only if you don't mind me jumping on top of you". The hunters were a little wild. One was over jumping everything by like 4 ft - I'm not kidding - I have the pic to prove it! Our hunter girls are good jocks boy.
And the Cow Jumped Over the Moon!
(and that was from a trot)
The Very Scary Cross Rail
Lovely Form Too!
Molly and K also were the first to get their ponies into the water. I thought Treenie was going to roll in it she was splashing so much. Molly said that when they first started out in the ring that she didn't know what the big deal was but once she saw the xc jumps she thought she was just going to "walk around" while everyone jumped. However, once she got started, she kept up with the everyone else and jumped with the group. She said she had a lot of fun and would like to think about doing a starter event in the fall! I think I may have an event rider on my hands!
Of course, it was a rush to get back to the barn and unload in time to pick my son up at preschool, then rush home grab quick showers and shuffle Molly off to her dance recital rehearsal - nothing like over scheduling!