Miss Treenie was definitely a star - she totally LOVED all of the attention the kids doted on her - she tolerated pony rides and was even good enough to let 2 of Molly's cousins ride her on their own. My 1 niece really loved her and spent a ton of time grooming her and fussing over her - it was so cute when she said "Aunt Lori, do you think I can ride her by myself?" She did great and even rode her alone in the big field - making the pony go where she wanted her to go. Treenie is a funny, funny pony though. I can tell by the look in her eye when the little mischief wheels are turning in that pony brain of hers. I KNEW she was thinking of dragging my niece back toward the house instead of staying on the c
ircle. Treenie would look over at me to see if I was watching her! I would just say "I'm watching you" and then tell my niece to pull her head in the other direction - Treenie only tried to get away once and then gave it up once she made eye contact with me - Ponies!

Treenie definitely was having a great time eating all of our grass - she did not want to go back on the van - I had to lure her with birdseed (well, it's not like I keep grain at me house!). Overall it was a great doy for Molly, the cousins and Treenie! We love this pony!
That is where she went on Sat...I was worried I had forgotten a horse show! Those are great pictures and Molly looks so proud to be riding her pony around her back yard! It is not exactly a back yard barn, but it is still very cool!
Wow i love that her saddle pad and helmet cover match!
I'm so jealous... Molly got to live my childhood dream! I always wanted to ride a pony around my backyard and make all of the neighborhood kids envious.
I love that Treenie was looking to see if you were watching her. Ponies are so naughty! I feel bad for all the kids out there who don't have a horse-knowledgeable adult around to straighten their pony out when necessary.
What a nice pony, though. She is so cute!
How cute! Oh, to be able to ride my pony on the block of land next door! Or across the road.. would have to do a bit of bulldozing of houses first... sure that'd go down well with the neighbours!
Sounds like a lovely day!
That sounds like a great birthday for a little girl.....complete with pony no less. How fun is that!
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