Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh Danny Boy

**NOTE** I wrote this post RIGHT after the show and saved in anticipating adding video - sorry, I'm just not going to get around to posting the video. Besides, it was only about 30 secs before the battery died!

Well, Danny had his first ever Dressage show on Sunday. The good news is that he is DEFINITELY a dressage horse. The bad news is that we need to develop a better prep plan because he was NOT the same horse at the show that he is at home. This is okay though - I just need to know that and be able to plan for it. The fact that he was clipped earlier this week and it was like 27 degrees when I got to the farm did not help things I'm sure!

We went for a lesson on Friday and he was out of the world fabulous. My trainer rode him for the first 1/2 of the lesson. I thought it would be good for her to feel what he does and good for him to get a really good school with correct aids. Lastly I thought it would be easier for me once she set him up. I was right on that plan on all counts. She was able to make him move like I have never seen him move before - I actually had chills at one point. It reaffirmed my thoughts that this is really his destiny. After a while of watching I was really getting antsy to get on. In my head I was thinking - ok, my turn...that's good can I try...come on come on me now , me now. She FINALLY gave him back to me and it was great. He was soft, supple and forward. It was so cool to get a connection and feel his back just springing along. I left feeling really prepared for our first show in 2 days.

I had been having second thoughts that maybe it was too soon - mayby we weren't really ready. If Danny was my own horse I wouldn't care so much, but I'm riding him for his owner. He is for sale and it is my responsibility to make sure he is prepared to be successful. So I had some reservations - was he REALLY ready? Did I choose the correct tests (T-2 and T-3)? Could I actually pull this off? You have to keep on mind - Danny is 8 - sometimes he has the attention span of a 4 year old. He was broken and only ridden by his owner for his whole life. All he really knows is how the huunters go. He had been turned out for a WHOLE YEAR until I started riding him in January. Basically, he has only been back in work for about 10 weeks and he is being asked to do things that he has never been asked to do before. So, not too much pressure right??

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