Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Saint and the "aint"

We showed Treenie to our first prospective buyers today - she was a SAINT and the kid actually rode her pretty well for a beginner. If these people are really interested, it would definitely be a good match.

After the "showing" I went on to ride Danny. As I said Trennie was a saint - Danny, not so much. This poor boy is eight with the attention span of a 4 year old and today was a particularly bad ADHD day. Of course, being so beautiful out I had to ride outside, but that only gave him more cause to look around and pay attention to anything but me! Riding outside also means riding around JUMPS. D really doesn't like jumps - at all. At one point I was just cantering a simple circle near one of the jumps and he literally jumped off the outside rein, did a flying lead change and bulged in the opposite direction. Well, at least he's athletic? We are officially signed up for a show on the 22nd - I hope we can stay in the ring!

I am thinking that he may benefit from some type of supplement to help him focus - I think B-1 is about the only thing out there - it is also supposed to have some calming benefits. He's not hot, but a little edgy - normally if he is unsure about something he will back off my leg (if he can't climb into my lap first) but today he was just strong and obnoxious. Oh well, I'll chalk it up to spring fever and run out for some B-1 - it certainly can't hurt!


Anonymous said...

My fingers are crossed about the Treenie sale! How amazing would it be for the first person that tried her to buy her? And no worries about the show on the matter what my Appy will be worse, even with his owner riding him. See...that should take pressure off! At least Danny knows what an indoor is. And as you so wisely told me you have ALL YEAR to get better so maybe you can try for the most improved score :P

Pony Groom said...

OTB - I SAY I have all year, but you know I will be mortified when I score in the 50's!!